20 steps to quit smoking - MIF

20 steps to quit smoking

How many times have you promised yourself that you would quit smoking starting tomorrow? If you are still reading this article, chances are you are still considering quitting smoking. Usually, we make a promise to quit smoking when we start to run out of breath while walking up the stairs, every time our throat hurts, every time we compare our physical condition to that of a non-smoker and then we realize that we are inadequate compared to them. 

To clarify, and to avoid misunderstandings, quitting smoking is a personal choice. No one can convince someone to quit smoking better than himself. This article is not to create an anti-smoking campaign, there is no need for it and everyone around the world knows the harmful effects of smoking. This article is intended to provide some useful and easy-to-follow tips that can help a person decide to quit smoking and how to achieve it. 


Smoking is an addiction. Experts agree that the decision to quit smoking is made when the smoker truly feels the need for change. When the smoker feels threatened by smoking for himself and others around him and when he believes that staying away from nicotine will bring significant benefits to him, and also when he feels able to cope with change. Simply put, decisions are in our minds and must be carried out. Every effort is influenced by certain methods and prohibitions, and if it does not originate from our desires, it is doomed to fail.  

So if you have made up your mind, the following article will guide you on how to quit smoking. If you are not sure that you want to quit smoking, you can always save this article for future use. 20 Tips To Quit Smoking 

 1. Publicize your decision to quit smoking 

 Let friends and family know your decision to quit smoking. Get support from people close to you to always remind you of your goal of quitting smoking and the health benefits whenever you feel a strong urge to smoke. Also, very importantly, ask friends and family not to smoke in front of you and not to leave cigarettes around you.
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